Elite Companion Spotlight: Nadine Nilsson


Staff member
Nadine has made herself UTR for good reason, but we're going to bring her into the spotlight today. Looking through Nadine's portfolio reaches beyond being a provider, she's a swimsuit model (they all are really), yoga instructor (amazing trait), and a pre-med student. Being a provider obviosuly is a part-time hobby for Nadine, but that doesn't keep her from having great reviews. Mind you, with Nadine not fully in the hobby word of mouth is her only source of promotion and from what I've heard she's worth the money. The main attraction of Nadine is her yoga skills be put into her sessions upon request along with some extra activates such as anal that she does with clients who book often.

Twitter: @NadineNilssonNY
Official Website: NadineNilsson.com

Nadine is based in New York, but frequently tours. The going rate for Nadine, is 90 minutes for $1700, two hours for $2000, three hours $2800. You gys have fun and enjoy yourself if you can. Live your best life.

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