Bring Your Provider to a Swingers Party


Staff member
I, in no way, shape, or form, can make heads or tails of this. I don't know if this is a smart idea or the worst one, so I'm going to employ the ears of some of the swingers or veteran clients in the forum.

Is bringing your provider to a swingers' party a good idea?

I'm only asking this question because I saw a provider brag about this. She was very excited to let everyone know that her client was bringing her to a swingers' party and that it was both of their first times going to something like this. She's nervous and excited at the same time, which is to be expected when sex is the theme of the party. I'm just having a hard time figuring out if this is a smart move on the client's part.

I have no idea how swinger parties are organized. This is a world unlike ours with its own rules and language that would take time for anyone to understand. From what I've been told, no party is the same; it pretty much goes off of the general area you're in.

I myself don't think this is the best idea. I mean, if the client and provider are close enough to do something like this, then all power to them, but from my standpoint, it seems almost like a waste of money. I understand the whole point of being with a provider is so you can enjoy time together in practically any way that comes to mind, whether that's in a hotel room, at the Knicks game, or at a swingers' party. What I'm failing to see is how exactly you are enjoying your provider when there's a good chance she won't even be with you the entire time at this party.

Mind you, I have no idea what this client is into. Maybe he enjoys being a cuck or just watching his provider have sex with other people; I don't know. I'm just finding it hard to understand them being able to do this in a more controlled environment.

Again, I'm asking anyone who's familiar with this because I'm truly drawing a blank and would love some input.

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