What is it like to be a prostitute (POV)..


Staff member
I know this is a really sensitive topic. Some girls says that they like being escorts, some girls says that they do not like what comes with the job.

Personally, I think that society today is too harsh when judging and stigmatizing escorts.
Not all escorts are poor things who has been violated in certain ways during their childhood.

There girls are 18+, they can do whatever they want with their life. As the old saying that goes, "as long as you don´t hurt other people, you can do whatever you want", fits quite well in this context.

You have positive videos like these, where the girls seems to like what they do and that is indeed good.

On the other hand, you have videos like these that are made with the objective in mind to find the negative sides of escorting. But they do still count in my book.

It all depends on the situation, if they are truly "independent", if they've been trafficked/forced into it etc.

What do you think, are most escorts happy with what they do?