How South American women becomes escorts.. (Brutal Reality)


Staff member
I´ve known and have spoken to a number of South American escorts within my country and what they all have in common is that they have fucked up in their life.
A lot of them has done things that has made the mafia in their respective countries angry, so they know has to pay off the debt. It is really THAT Black/White.

I´m from Denmark and have written about this on the danish equivalent of EA and most of the men at the respective Danish forum is pretty delusional regarding how things work in this world.

Alot of these South American escorts has children in their home country. The girls wouldn't want to leave the kids just like that, would they? Any mother who cares about their kids wouldn't just leave them with a nanny for 9-10 months of the year, every year. BUT, this is the case because the women fucked up.

I do not feel sorry or sad for them because it is their own fault.
You do not mess with these violent gangs, no matter who you are. They are all about business. They do not care what they have to do to get their money.

Alot these gangs or mafia demands that these women pays anywhere from $8000 to $12,000 a month as part of paying down the girls debt.
Typically the girls owes at least $1,000,000 to the mafia and that number is just the minimum. I have heard stories of girls that owes more than $1,500,000-$2,000,000. They are usually in prostitution for more than 10 years and often a lot longer, because they don't have any skills once they have paid off their debt.

That's the gruesome reality, it is certainly a harsh world if you mess with the wrong people.

So, when the so called "experts" uses the word "trafficking" in online articles, it´s mostly bullshit. The girls aren't trafficked, they're paying off a hefty debt.