How much escorts really endures..


Staff member
We have to take our hats off for escorts because they really endures alot.

From getting their limits pushed to getting physically attacked and ultimately, worse things than that.

I’ve both heard stories from escorts in real life aswell as seen several videos where escorts are assaulted violently by clients.

I’ve seen videos and heard stories from girls in my area that were so afraid at opening the door for new clients because they’ve had such traumatic experiences beforehand.
Their heart is racing as soon as they get the text from their client saying “i’m downstairs”. It shouldn’t be like that, but we live in an increasingly violent world.

It’s absolutely no wonder that most of these girls has some sort of Security on hand, wether it’s bikers or male friends that are a phone call away.

I would say that being an escort is one of the most dangerous professions in the world because of the huge risks. Being arrested, being beaten by a client, robbed by criminal gangs etc.

So cheers to all the wonderful women who puts up with all of that 🥂 We love you.