Language Barrier..


Staff member
I’ve only ever been with one escort that was from the same country as me (Denmark).

ALL of the other girls has been from eastern europe and ESPECIALLY South America.
Though i do love latinas, i find the language barrier somewhat annoying sometimes.
Google Translate can be very akward to use and it do have it’s translation mistakes.

My former SB was from South America (surprise) so i would learn a little spanish BUT the conversation stalls pretty quickly and i would often just end up repeating myself again and again, asking “how are you”, really embarrassing.

I also find the same problems with alot of the foreign escorts, because of the language barrier, i find it hard to talk to them about anything. Even a topic that we may have in common.

How do you guys deal with that problem?

I know that we don’t visit these girls to talk to them like that but what else are you going to do in between round 1 & 2.