BBW Provider Watch: Natalia Springs


Staff member
Natalia Springs hails from the vibrant city of San Antonio, Texas. Modeling has been ingrained in her life since childhood, starting with her role as a Gerber baby. Throughout her life, Natalia has embraced her passion for modeling, carving out a niche for herself in the industry.

With a lifetime of experience in front of the camera, Natalia has traversed various avenues of modeling, including webcam and Skype shows.

She eagerly anticipates expanding her repertoire with new opportunities, including exploring different genres within the adult entertainment industry. Her openness to trying new things reflects her adventurous spirit and willingness to push boundaries.

Natalia enjoys pushing her limits when it comes to sex. With her lovely 38E breasts at her disposal, Natalia works her magic like no other. She has yet to film anal on camera, but in her personal life it's something she does regularly.

Natalia doesn't tour to often and when she does it's usually within Texas. There's no talk of what her rate is yet, but I've emailed so we should know soon enough. You can find her email on the EA-List. Have fun Pervs!

X: @NataliaSprings
