Provider Meet & Greet Halloween Party


Staff member
Chicago's been getting a lot of love this year, and it just keeps rolling in for them. For the past 15 years, Chicago's been throwing this annual meet and greet shindig for providers and clients. Gotta admit, it's a pretty cool idea.

This whole shebang was cooked up by providers, and it's all about making connections with clients. Providers have been trying to find ways to expand their clientele while breaking the ice with them, kind of like killing two birds with one stone. Way back earlier this year, some folks in the industry promoted these karaoke meet and greets in New York, with hopes of attracting more clients. Names like Trinity St. Claire, Harley Dean (Porn Companions), and VRod all gave it a shot, but it sort of fizzled out. But this Chicago party seems like a whole different ball game.

They're setting up shop right in downtown Chicago, but they keep the location hush-hush until just two days before the event. It's all going down on the 26th of October, from 7 PM to 11 PM. Not gonna lie, it's not a ton of time for mingling in my book, but hey, it's better than nothing. Dudes are looking at shelling out $75 to RSVP and another $100 when they step through the door. As for the ladies, they're getting in for free.

You're gonna find about 30 well-known providers making an appearance at this gig. Some of them are locals, and others are swinging by while they're on tour. A few of these providers include...
There's plenty more when that came from.

The event seems like something I'd very much love to attend if it was in New York. Even though the lineup isn't really my type all to much, it's still a great place for providers and clients to talk in a safely. If it was me, I'd for sure take of this opportunity if I was in the area. This may not be the Halloween party we all wanted to attend, but taking the opportunity when it's given to us is what we do anyway.

For more infor check out their social media along with the website. Have fun Pervs!

X: @Halloween_MnG
Official Site:
