Mia Mcfadden Newly Based Chicago Provider


Staff member
Chicago has a very love hate relationship in the community, specifically providers. These providers have their own reasons for not gracing the windy city with their presence, though recently a new providers has decided to make Chicago her new home.

Mia Mcfadden has to be one of the most exclusive providers I've ever seen. So exclusive, the only way to access her website it to receive a password directly from her. Before making Chicago her base city, Mia was a resident of St. Louis where her privacy there was also kept to a select few. There are no reviews on Mia that I can find, she's extremely private but what ever you don't hear about her you can see she's worth the money.

Mia McFadden is a 5'2", curvy, 26 year old latina woman with long Brunette hair and brown eyes. Unlike most providers who see a varity of clients, Mia only caters to men. Her body is something that looks as if it was sculpted by the best surgeons to make her look as natural as possible.

I have no idea what the rate for Mia is and if I did no doubt she'd probably be more then I could afford. She does seem to tour occasional, but you'll have to follow her social media and hopefully lucky out with some dates. If you have seen or plan on seeing Mia be sure to let EA know of the booking process and especially the rates. Have fun Pervs!

X: @HelloMsMia
