
Staff member
57754711_028_6dbd.jpgNot gonna lie, not booking Felony the moment I stumbled upon her on the Bunny Ranch website? Man, that's gonna haunt me forever. I mean, passing up on a trip to Vegas and letting that amazing woman work her magic on me – that thought still plays in my mind like a broken record. It's gonna keep eating at me until she makes a comeback, if she ever does.

For those who aren't familiar with Felony, she's more than your average PS. She's been on network TV a bunch of times. I remember seeing her on an episode of Judge Judy, of all things, and she was one of Charlie Sheen's infamous madams or angels or whatever you want to call it. Anyway, Felony, she's the kind of PS provider who loved pushing boundaries and having hers pushed in return.

Felony kicked off her career back in '99 when she was just 19. She went by the name Ivana Impaler among other aliases, and she was all about versatility. This girl was heavy into fetishes, from golden showers to hardcore BDSM. Every now and then, you'd catch her doing some vanilla stuff, but let's be real, she really shone in her BDSM scenes. was where she got her limits pushed, and you could practically see her veins popping with every orgasm. That never got old.

She stuck around in the industry for over a decade, taking a bunch of breaks in between. But it wasn't until the whole Charlie Sheen drama that I figured out why she kept vanishing. Charlie was taking care of her, along with a bunch of other women that Felony brought into his world. She kinda got tagged as a madam, but that's never been proven for sure. Somewhere down the line, Charlie must've stopped looking out for her, around 2011, when I first got into all this.

And since then, it's been radio silence from Felony. No social media, and she hasn't been seen at the Bunny Ranch in ages. I hold onto a tiny bit of hope that she might pop back up one day, but if she's not around now, it's probably a long shot. Either way, I've gotta accept that it's just bad timing, FUCK!!!!

Sadly, this is one of two ways to email Felony and both have gone unanswered. Screenshot 2023-10-13 180359.png
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