
Staff member
One thing I never thought I'd see happening is providers or courtesans leaving a legal establishment due to mismanagement. You'd think management would know how to keep their girls happy given the atmosphere, but I guess not. Not one, not two, but three courtesans have departed from the infamous Bunny Ranch back to back amidst speculation of mistreatment and health concerns.

Courtesans Asia Fox, Mia Amore, and Daisy Wilder all parted ways with the legal brothel.

Mia, a courtesan in her 20s, had been working at the Bunny Ranch for 7 years. Her girl-next-door appearance made her very popular among suitors. When she isn't providing services, you can catch her in her home state of Minneapolis dancing in gentlemen's clubs, essentially drawing her clientele from there to Nevada where she can legally entertain them. Mia was the second provider to leave the ranch after Asia.

Asia is a courtesan I've discussed before. She's stunningly beautiful and genuinely loves the work she does. Asia was one of the first to depart from the ranch after voicing concerns about the deteriorating management practices. Unlike Mia, who had been with the Bunny Ranch for 7 years, Asia had been with them for a full decade. Asia wrote on social media that the management's treatment of women as disposable and undervalued led her to leave.

Daisy is the newest courtesan to exit the ranch. This fiery redhead walked out without hesitation about her next moves. There's no doubt we'll see her again, possibly floating around Eros, so I'd keep an eye out.

Each woman is continuing their career as providers without the need for the Bunny Ranch. Daisy is set to change her name and possibly create a new persona altogether to distance herself from whatever led her to leave the Bunny Ranch. Mia is likely to move to another Ranch, along with Asia, considering she was also a patron of the Sage Ranch. Regardless, all three women are still seeing clients, but they are being very selective about whom they see. So if you don't hear back from them, you didn't make the cut; move on.

You'll find all three women's email addresses on the EA-List, so if you're interested, send them some mail and see where things go. Have fun Pervs!
