Moving Forward in Escort Access


Staff member
With our one-year anniversary coming up, we see how EA has been growing. Every day, more and more curious clients and even some providers have joined, giving their opinions on matters while also benefiting from the information we all share. This originally and has always been the goal of the forum, for like-minded individuals to work together for a common goal. That goal so happens to be experiencing providers, whether physically or emotionally.

With us growing every day, myself along with the other Admins have decided to branch out. We've strictly been putting all of our focus on women who provide, which makes sense given where we come from on Reddit and honestly the world we live in, but we've decided to expand EA to favor more than one demographic.

Let's be honest, women can be said to be one of the most beautiful creatures moving about this world. In my opinion, they truly are, but there is more to sex than women. Only favoring my demographic helps others like me though does nothing for others seeking the same companionship from another sex. That's why we've decided as a team to start and allow postings of trans and male providers.

What does this mean?

All this means is you'll be seeing some posts with trans and male providers. That's simple. Women will still be the focus of the forum, but we just want to open it up a little. I believe a lot of members have felt a little insecure about posting their curiosities afraid of the backlash they might get from the community; like before, that's no longer the case. I'll be trying my hardest to get interviews with all sexes now and not just one. Plus, I think it would be pretty good to hear from a male perspective on the hobby.

What this means for members?

Nothing. Nothing's going to change. If anything, you'll all see a couple more penises here and there, but we see that every time you go to look up a provider just about. What I do know about some members is their way of being vocal. I understand some of us may feel uncomfortable and maybe attacked. EA is and always will be a place for clients to speak their minds, but speaking your mind can often bring disrespect.

If there is one thing you all know about this forum, it's that disrespect is not tolerated towards each other or in general. If you have an opinion you know will come off as disrespectful then keep it to yourselves; it's really not that hard, just don't type on the keyboard.


To make it easier for members to distinguish post. "TS" will be used in the title for trans providers and "MP" will be used of for male providers. This is will be a working progress that will slowly be implemented for time, but it is something we'll be making a reality for the forum.

I know this won't sit well with everyone; change usually doesn't. I enjoy providers and I love how they make me feel, but I enjoy even more helping others get that exact same feeling regardless of what their sexual preference is. I know absolutely nothing about writing posts on trans, far less on male providers, but I'm going to try my hardest. If you have any questions, you can either DM another Admin or drop a comment.
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