Mike Lee's Bill to Outlaw All Sex Work


Staff member
Before I get into this, I want to say that there are things about this article I agree with, and others I downright think are idiotic in every way. What Senator Mike Lee is trying to do can be seen as admirable, but this is obviously a man who sees the world through one set of goggles and nothing else. I will do my best not to sound biased, but we're on a forum for providers and pornstars. It is what it is

Senator Mike Lee

For general information, the article discusses a bill introduced by Utah Senator Mike Lee, named the "Preventing Rampant Online Technological Exploitation and Criminal Trafficking Act of 2024" or the "PROTECT Act," which aims to effectively outlaw all forms of sex work in the United States. The bill broadens the definition of "coerced consent" to include any consent influenced by economic circumstances, such as financial need. Critics argue that this bill would criminalize adult performers and invalidate consent if money is a motivating factor for engaging in sex work.

Senator Lee has been an ardent politician against any forms of sex work, including previous attempts to introduce federal age-verification laws and bills aiming to establish a national definition of obscenity. To go above and beyond to change the definition of a word to me seems a little excessive, though he is a politician and not many are known for being subtle.

Lee's religious beliefs as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are cited as a driving force behind his anti-pornography crusade. I'm not a fan of religion; I never have been and I most likely never will be. I understand that religion plays a major part in the way the world is run, but there are certain aspects of religion that don't need to make themselves known. There's no doubt in my mind Senator Lee is using religion to push his agenda, thereby getting him the votes he needs to pass this bill, but ironically this seems sneaky and unethical.

I see what the senator is aiming for. He's trying to put a stop to human trafficking while also making the internet safe for children. As I said, this is admirable, but there is a gray area he's missing. Sex work, although looked down upon, has never been as popular or in the forefront of the media ever. Some people are turning to sex work, creating lives out of what they do, whether that's through OnlyFans, camming, escorting, or professional shooting. Not everyone has a dark agenda when working in sex work, and I believe his faith is what's keeping him from seeing that

I can see this Bill affecting us. Maybe it won't right away, but the community will take a hit as more and more as providers shun away. Let me know what you Perv's think. Below you'll find the article in question.
