WILL Sex Robots Replace Real Escorts?..


Staff member
This post may be a little ahead of it’s time but AI is growing faster & faster!

It is no secret that Intelligent sex Dolls has been around a few years, but it’s only recently that they have figured out how to make the doll talk. None of the dolls can walk as of today, but, they will have the ability to walk before 2030.

Right now, the most high end intelligent sex dolls cost a fortune. Around $7000-10,000 if you want all the features.

But as with anything, the cost will go down as the technology gets cheaper to make.

So the question is, would YOU gladly swap out real human escorts with intelligent sex robots, could the robots replace escorts as a whole?

Personally, i don’t think that AI sex dolls would or even could replace real escorts. That being said, it will be incredible to see how much the AI dolls has evolved in just a few years.