Longest you’ve booked a provider for, and tips for consecutive overnights with a PSE


Active member
I will be booking a provider for multiple consecutive overnights in the next few weeks and I wanted some advice. BTW, what’s the sweet spot, 2 nights or three? I feel like one night is too short, but three might be pushing it as well. 
What’s the longest length of time you’ve booked a provider for? Is it advisable to book for more than two consecutive overnights at a time? Have any of you guys managed to stay up most of the night just having fun and multiple back-to-back sessions? Or does it Peter out after a few hours? 
Have you found that it is manageable, both in terms of stamina/how the time is used and balancing the carnal activities with resting/sleeping/eating/talking? Does it ever get awkward if you book for more than an overnight? Any tips for people that are booking multiple consecutive overnights? What do you do to keep the action going and the vibe fresh? 
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