Hawaii Gets Another One: Kate Sterling


Staff member
Lets chalk up another win for Hawaii. They have been a real hotspot lately and other providers are beginning to take notice of it. All it took a providers like Veronica Fox and Jemma Jones to make an appearance there and it's become a new money maker. That's why Kate Sterling will be there make her way there soon.

Kate is a natural blonde with a very voluptuous body. She wouldn't be what you call a thick woman, Kate has more then enough body in all the parts that matter. She's able to fill out a dress or lingere as if it was specifically made for her. The best part about being with Kate are her giant natural tits you can play with the entire session. You'll want to play with her curves a little more, but her you'll inevitably come back to her breasts.

Kate is based in San Diego, but will be in Hawaii at the end of April. She'll be in Hawaii from April 30th to the May 3rd. Best way to get in contact is through her website or directly through email. You can find her email on the EA-List. Have fun Pervs!

X: @SoCalKatie
Official Website: KatieSterling.ch
