Escorts lying about their age.. (RANT)


Staff member
Escorts lying about their age are so f****** annoying!

I have many times booked an escort that stated they were one age, only to be greeted by a girl who is 10-15 years older.
It´s not ideal at all. It´s really frustrating when I or any other man for that matter, thinks that he´s booking a girl in her start 20´s, when in reality it´s a MILF in her late 30´s.

Met my former sugar babe as she was working in my city, her ad stated that she was 25 when in reality, she was 36. She´s a Latina who is taking care of herself so she can literally pass for 30 still (she is 41 now).

I know this pisses off a lot of you guys too.

Any tips to combat it and make sure that the girl is the age that she states?