Carmela Clutch Finally Going on Tour


Staff member
It's become so routine to see providers on tour that you can't help but think about them when they aren't. Carmela practically toured non-stop last year, hitting just about every Exxxotica and then some. However, this year, she's been a ghost—until now.

Last year, Carmela wrapped up her tour in October, with DC being her final stop in 2023. I had high hopes she'd be back on the road when 2024 rolled around. Instead, we've had almost six months with no sign of Carmela, which might not seem like a big deal, but you can't help but wonder how her beautiful body is doing. From her voluptuous 36E breasts to the massive 44-inch monster she's carrying around, she occupies your mind rent-free.

Carmela has been keeping busy these last couple of months, tirelessly building her brand while creating her own content. Much of it has been scenes she's personally directed, indicating that writing and directing may be in her future.

Currently, Carmela is in Los Angeles until tomorrow, the 22nd of May. Then, she'll be in Miami from May 12th through the 17th. These dates may just be numbers to some, but with Carmela focusing on herself this year, there's no telling if we'll get another chance to book her. Do yourself a favor—book now.

From what I can see, you can still book Carmela through TA.

If anyone has seen or plans to see Carmela, be sure to drop a review so we know what to expect. Have fun, you pervs!
