International Women’s Day


Staff member
I'm never one to partake in these generated days, you know, those days that coincide with a certain topic, like donut day, organize your home day, or bean day. I don’t see the reason to have all these days; however, International Women’s Day can be something to celebrate and make beneficial for clients.

From a particular client's point of view, International Women's Day can be seen as nothing more than a way for us to simp for providers, and that isn’t what we’re going for here.

My thought process is, if you show your provider some love on a specific day like this, the benefits will be better in the long run.

It doesn’t have to be something big, like some $1,700 shoes. The small gestures, like sending them a tip, a Sephora card, or literally just texting them 'Happy International Women’s Day,' can work out in your favor.

I myself sent $100 to two of my favorite providers. It shows that you’re still interested in them, giving you the brownie points for your next session.

I'm completely making this day about us and losing the point of it, but in a way, we are showing love towards women. Just a way that also gives a leg up. Have fun Pervs!