The Pros of Decriminalizing Escorting

I came across a provider talking about when not if the U.S will decriminalize escorting. She brought up some negatives on how this could hurt the hobby rather then help and it sounded like she was just talking just to talk. So, I readied up a little on the subject and thought I'd throw some pros into the mix and what affects the provider usually ends up effecting us.

When we talk about decriminalizing prostitution, we're essentially talking about making it safer for sex workers and when it's safe for them it unenviably will be safe for us as clients.. Without the fear of getting busted, they could be more open about reporting violence or abuse, which is huge for their safety. Plus, it could mean better working conditions and easier access to healthcare and legal support.

Decrim_Cover_crop.max-760x504.jpgImagine if we stopped treating sex work like some taboo topic and started seeing it as just another job. That shift could mean less judgment and more support for sex workers, including better access to social services and legal protections. It's about giving them the respect they deserve. We as clients will still probably be treated as perverts, but I believe this stigma would fade over time.

Now, decriminalization doesn't mean anything goes. We'd need rules and oversight to keep things fair and safe. That could mean things like regular health check-ups, making sure workers aren't being exploited, and generally keeping things above board. In a nutshell, regulations would have to get put in place so that things stay as they are so to speak.

By bringing sex work into the light, we can better spot the difference between consensual work and human trafficking. That means we can crack down on the bad actors while making sure victims get the help they need. But let's not kid ourselves – it's not a silver bullet for trafficking, and we've still got work to do. Still, consenual sex work won't be associated with trafficking anymore. At least not on paper.

On the money side, legalizing and regulating prostitution could bring in some serious cash for governments. We're talking taxes from licenses and all that. That money could go towards funding services for sex workers, fighting trafficking, or just making our communities better places to live.

Of course, not everyone's on board with the idea. Some folks worry that making prostitution legit could just make things worse, like objectifying people or messing with our moral compass. There are valid concerns about how it might affect society's views on sex and relationships, too. Though, with the popularity of platforms like Onlyfans only growing day by day I believe society just might be ready for it.

It's a complex issue with lots of angles to consider. But whether you're for it or against it, one thing's for sure: we've got a lot to think about before making any big moves.