artificial intelligence

  1. Sexaddict

    OpenAI Dabbles with AI-generated porn

    You read that. According to several news outlets, OpenAI is considering whether or not to allow it´s users to generate porn & explicit content. However, as good as this news is to us, OpenAI wouldn't ever allow the creation of deepfakes which makes the dream of seeing Jenna Ortega starring in...
  2. Sexaddict

    WILL Sex Robots Replace Real Escorts?..

    This post may be a little ahead of it’s time but AI is growing faster & faster! It is no secret that Intelligent sex Dolls has been around a few years, but it’s only recently that they have figured out how to make the doll talk. None of the dolls can walk as of today, but, they will have the...
  3. Administrator

    Funny Questions submitted by ChatGPT

    So, I am doing some research for a up-n-coming, state of the art project for the adult industry, and using my developer API for OpenAI, I found these stupid crazy questions that people asked the ChatGPT chat bot. My faith in humanity is decreasing daily, we aren't going to make it as a...