The Only, Canada's Next Escort Agency


Staff member
Unlike the U.S, Canada has an almost excessive number of escort agencies. You have Cupid Escorts, Discreet Dolls, Toronto Passions, Allegra Escorts, I could really keep going but we I don't have that kind of time. So, when a new agency jumps to into the already saturated pool it isn't really a big deal, however, I'm a sucker for a new agency with new prices.

GD6vS4kXUAAfWY6.jpgThe Only was created by Canadian provider, Ryan Harper. Its the new name an old provider is using to revamp herself. She's an older provider who's been in the industry for for many years and is well respect in the community. Even though Ryan is still providing, she fits more of a madam role at this point in her life. She said to have an excellent catalog of women along with a vast set of menus to deliver the best quality experience. Though like all agency sites you have to be a member to see all of that and to be honest, I don't see much of an incentive to get me to join.

It's obvious the site is brand new. You can tell it was made by the usual template for making websites with pictures in certain places along with dialog under them. Signup is easy enough, but even when you signup you still have to contact Ryan to have permission to see what providers and experiences she may offer.

I really don't see the site competing much with the sites already so well established in Canada. Also, not many providers use agencies in that country. I noticed so many providers are independent then even the well established sites don't really have a lot on their roster. Anyway, if you're in Canada let us know what Ryan Harper's site has to compete with now that it's up and running. Have fun Pervs!

X: @TheOnly_Ryann
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