Sex in a Tanning salon


Staff member
This morning at around 10, I tried something very different. Instead of having the girl in question come to my house, I told her to meet me at a local tanning shop. It did NOT disappoint.

I messaged this blonde, 1.60 m "model" with gorgeous DD silicone boobs and lips that matched if she were interested in going to a tanning shop. She was. I booked an hour and a half.

It´s so much easier in a tanning shop vs at a hotel. There´s no annoying staff that could potentially ask questions about this and that. Very convenient.

Session went smoothly. She arrived on time and knocked on the door I told her to knock.
The shop had furry carpets in every room which was PERFECT for us. We did it on the carpet but I also facefucked her upside down on the tanning bed which was HOT!
After she left, I needed to TRY to clean up some drool here and there. I managed to do so.

Have you ever done it anywhere else besides your home?