Sarai Minxx Leaving Miami


Staff member
What's the forum without having you daily dose of Sarai Minxx. Sarai Is continuing on her journey to better herself and as of late (if you've been following her social media) she has made up her mind to leave Miami. This isn't so much of a surprise since Sarai usual says something like this at least once or twice a year, but I'd hate myself for not letting EA know about this and Miami clients missed their chance to see her. That being said, if you are a fan of Sarai and are in the area I suggest you book sometime with the Vixen. I have no idea if if Sarai is telling the truth or not. I just want to make sure EA is prepared for when that move comes. 
I'll keep you guys up-to-date on where she may be moving to and when it'll happen. Have fun.