New Q&A Questions for the New Year

What kind of questions do you want asked?

  • More intimate questions.

  • More personal questions.

  • More on questions on their escorting.

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Staff member
The new year is coming and with that I'm going to start it off with a new Q&A like always. I've been doing this for a little while now and talking with these PS providers has been fun but more enlightening for us. We get a full behind-the-scenes of some of the best PS providers in the business while also learning what can make us better clients. Although, I have been going through my interviews and notice some questions are very repetitive. I want to get around that.

I do study the provider before we have the interview. I go through their past interviews, watch their Exxxotica appearances, and even do a through search for them online as deep as I can, all this just so I don't sound like a broken record to them and EA.

So I'm asking. What questions do you want to hear for the new year?

Please let me know and be as specific as possible.