Lezley Zen Heading Overseas Soon


Staff member
Europe is starting to get a lot of love as of late, and it looks like more is coming. Lezley Zen is said to be making her way overseas for an undetermined amount of time, but it will be longer than a month.

It was only a matter of time before Lezley made her way back to Europe. She's been going back and forth for a while now, not staying overseas for longer than a few weeks. The usual places would be on her list, like London, Amsterdam, and Prague, but to be there for longer than a month; she can do some real damage out there. The number of cities and countries Lezley can visit is endless.

Now, Lezley is making her way to New York, where she'll be until the 28th of February. There's no date as to when she's making her trip, but you can be sure it'll be soon. Be smart, if you're overseas, make sure to contact Alluring and see when she'll be leaving and when she'll be in your city. Europe deserves a win every now and again. Have fun Pervs!

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