Is MonkeyPox Something We Should be Cautious Of?


Staff member
If you haven’t been under a rock for the past couple of months then you’d know that MonkeyPox is becoming a real world problem once again. For those that don’t know, Monkeypox is a transmittable disease that can spread with a simple touch putting your health at risk in a big way. Biggest health risk is getting pimples and blisters basically all over your body and especially on your genitals and anus. 

I’m making this known in our community, because with another pandemic showing it’s face we are very likely to contract the disease seeing a provider. I’m not trying to bash providers for not being careful I know they’ve been extremely cautious when it comes to their screening process ever since COVID came along, but I have heard stories of clients not caring about health and seeing providers regardless of it. This is one of the most disgusting things a client can do. Not only is that client putting that provider at risk, but they’re putting all her clients in jeopardy spreading the virus. 

I’m a nutshell, since our hobby involves physical contact the most I can say is be aware of who you’re seeing and this goes for providers also. Last I checked there’s no way to detect who has the MonkeyPox without seeing the symptoms with your own two eyes. Still, have fun out there.