Bunz4Ever Galore Tour


Staff member
GFRAWSkW8AA8CXq.jpgFor those looking to get ahead of the curve and avoid the other clients waiting in line, Bunz has dropped her tour dates into March. Bunz4Ever has kicked off her so-called 'Galore Tour' and will be making first-time and repeat visits to some major cities.

It's about to be a year since Bunz graced us with her reentrance into the world of providing. It's still hard to believe that Bunz came back to the hobby, but after some of your testimonials, what started off as belief became reality. Not everyone was happy to see Bunz come back after hearing some very mixed reviews. Some say she may have been stealing deposits, while others enjoy spending time with her. The reviews are mixed, but those who have spent time with her don't all regret it.

A lot of clients were not fans of her CBJ. Some really wanted to feel that famous throat but were somewhat denied by that. Though I hear everything else was straight out of one of Bunz's movies, with some clients not lasting long at all.

Anyway, if you're trying to see Bunz, make sure you check out her dates. You can find her email on the EA-List. If possible, drop a review afterwards. Have fun Pervs!