Brandi Love True American


Staff member
This is an add-on to the post dealing with Ricki Raxx. In that post it spoke on the personal lives of pornstar escorts and how it affects our decision making when booking. It’s no surprise to anyone that this tweet came out with Brandi, she’s always been an outspoken political person no matter how it makes her look. Speaking on things, like race, politics, and out justice system, Brandi can careless who doesn’t agree with her. Which is Brandis given right as an American. 
For some in your hobby knowing all this about her could stir them away from Brandi. Talking about these subjects you’ll never find to many people with the same outlooks, but for us we have a choice not to book that person even though we really fucking want to. Brandi has been on a lot of our lists and to not see her over her American views would detour some of us into another provider. 