Blonde Bombshell No Longer Allowed in States


Staff member
For those that follow Blondie on IG, she announced this morning that she was detained in Miami for frequently flying between there and home. After spending some considerable amount of time in customs Blondes visa was taken. Unfortunately this is something that happens often both here and outbid the states, if the country demes as a suspicious character they can hold you for a certain amount of time until they clarify that you are who you say you are and you aren’t doing anything illegal.
With Blondie being a pornstar and customs running through her life like a comb it wasn’t enough to get her into the states. Blondie clarifies she will be working on getting her visa again, but a process like that can take months of not years at times. 
Wanter everyone to know that’s was planning on seeing Blondie in Miami and in the future. Sorry clients. Check her IG for the full story.
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