Allie Nicole is a shitty human being and the biggest bitch in the history of fucking porn


Master member
1. She scams people out of money
2. She posts (now deleted) videos to social media bragging about scamming people out of money
3. She (allegedly) pays for fake TER reviews just to scam more people out of money
4. She is such a racist piece of scum garbage human trash that she doesn’t even give “dark skinned clients” the chance to be scammed by her washed up, stinky ass, golden SHOWER pussy (not golden pussy, more like coal!)

I can’t believe I allowed myself to bite the bait of her no good, entitled fucking ass to be insulted with that type of response. I want to fucking drill a hole through my head for being so fucking stupid with my time. I’ve warned others about her just to make the dumb decision of reaching out, like something would be different. Insanity!!! On my part!!!

Don’t book Allie Nicole (Porn Companions)... “Oh you’re taking it personally.” Idc, yep. DON’T BOOK ALLIE NICOLE! It is now my life mission to ensure she sees as few clients as possible. You would be wasting money anyway. I hope she gets dropped from PC ASAP and I hope she gets a million more NEGATIVE reviews and a lawsuit to recoup all of the money she’s STOLEN from unsuspecting gentlemen. Idec if this causes me to lose business with PC. It’s fully worth my time and effort to ensure she never receives another dollar from any honest, paying client with her stupid, fucking contemptuous attitude and FAKE FUCKING FACE! I will never forgive myself for being attracted to her she is UGLY TO ME SHE IS NOTHING TO ME…

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