Porn to be Criminalized By Conservative Group


Staff member
Porn is needed. Anyway you flip it or try to walk around the subject adult entertainment is need. Sadly, there are some of us who don't believe that and that's okay it's one of the many rights you have living in America, you can believe in one thing the other person doesn't. Although, that doesn't stop some of us from constantly trying to beat beliefs into one another that just end up in failure, also very American.

I can say I could careless about what porn being criminalize, but I'm looking towards how this would effect the hobby as a whole. Along with effecting a lot of homes and people who generally take this career seriously; but mainly us.

The Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank who generally hates adult entertainment in every way, resurfaced a post from May 2023 calling for an end to "recreational sex" and criticizing the use of birth control pills. The post received both criticism and support, with some arguing that recreational sex leads to societal issues like single-mother households, poverty, crime, and dysfunction.

The Heritage Foundation is also leading "Project 2025," which aims to outlaw pornography and imprison those involved in its production and distribution. This initiative reflects a conservative push to enact stricter social policies in alignment with traditional values.

I'll be the first to say, "Fuck traditional values." I can see where these people are coming from they want to protect their children and have the big front yard with a white picket fence surrounding it, that's all good for them. I on the other hand want to go to bed with a big titted MYLF provider laying next to me with promise of breakfast and BJ in the morning. Do I wish that for them? Sure. Am I going to force that on them? No.

I highly doubt this Project 2025 is going to become a reality, but if it does I can't help but think what this could mean for us. What we do is already pretty criminalized, so I shutter to think how much farther it can go after adult entertainment is shut down. No doubt it would make things significantly harder to find a good provider when you lose a catalog like porn as a reference.

This is just my thoughts.

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