Robbin Banxx Removing DDD Tits


Staff member
Last week Robbin Banx did an interview with the Daily Star in the UK speaking on how she couldn’t wait to be done with her triple D tits and I’m for one am very said about it. In the article written by Jesse Philips, senior editor and TV reporter, Robbin specifies how much of an inconvenience it is to have breasts as big as hers. Things as easy as going for a run or being able to sleep on her stomach has been a problem since getting Robbin go her breast, she says “They don’t feel great. It feels like I’ve got two babies on my chest because they’re nearly five pounds each. It’s fucking heavy!”
With that said, Robbin says she will be getting rid of her D breast after she’s completely done shooting porn. Why does this affect us? Well, in this day in age with more and more pornstars moving away from shooting professional porn to making their own content on OnlyFans like platforms; you really never know when they’re ready to call it quits. That being said, with Robbin removing her tits some may not be able to get to her in time before they’re gone myself included. 
It’s safe to say if you’re interested in Robbin and her great tits I recommend you book her while she’s still in porn before it’s too late. As an added incentive, Robbin will be in Las Vegas 8th and 9th also Los Angeles 10th and 11th. Will be in Los Angeles a little longer, but said that was only for professional shoots.
 Robbin Banxx Daily Star