Fuck a Fan Contest? Book Direct


Staff member
I've never understood the point in FAF contest. From the perspective of a hobbyist like myself it always felt so much easier to find out if the model/pornstar provides and reach out. I don't mean go straight to their Onlyfans and blurt out "Can we fuck for a price?" If they're offering a FAF its a very good chance they're providing at least that's what the pattern shows, but shouting something like that through OF message will just get you banned. To send $5, $10, $20, or $100 for a chance sounds great when you see it especially with the model/pornstar promoting it on their OF, but lets be realistic.

Some, not all, but some of the models start these FAF contest with agendas in plain sight but hidden to your eyes. The most obvious part of the contest is really know if they're picking a fan. You never know if they have another model they're collaborating with or just a fan they've seen multiples times before, this to me would be in my head day one keeping me from joining in any contest. Then you have the ticket you have to pay for, the ticket you can get multiple times if you buy it. From a financial standpoint it may look good only after you buy ,multiple tickets it makes more sense to just book the model.

I'm not going to throw any names out since I'm sure some of you guys already know of the models I'm talking about. All I'm saying is booking direct is so much easier then hoping and praying you win a contest that hundreds if not thousands of participants are in. The hobby is much easier, it may not be cost efficient for some but its more guaranteed then a FAF contest.