Curly Rican Surprise Miami Tour


Staff member
Now this is a treat. The very infamous Curly Rican is going to be touring Miami next weekend from the 8th of September through to the 10th.

I don't know where this sudden tour came from. Curly to a long break from providing earlier this and fully committed to shooting exclusively with Freak Mob Media. It make sense, rumors have been circulating of her being in relationship with the owner of FMM. So, some us naturally assumed she took a break not only to focus on shooting but she's also in a relationship. I'm so glad I was wrong.

I'm hope this won't be the only tour Curly has this year and this is just her way of letting us know she's back to providing for good. Best way to reach her is through email which is located at the bottom of the picture. Have fun pervs!
