Chicken Ranch Christmas Party


Staff member
It's the time of the year for all when the lights come out and the eggnog is spiked. Christmas parties are popping up all over the place and brothels are no exception to the festivities.

The Chicken Ranch is hosting there annual Christmas party. They host these types of parties throughout the year using the holidays to bring in some extra customers which from what I hear works every now and again. There lineup for the week is worth the visit they have some great looking women on deck and if I had the choice to attend this party I would.

I've never been to a brothel, but from other people expernices it seems worth the money. Having beautiful women all over you before booking the time of your life with them sounds like a good time. Add the spirit of Christmas in the mix and you the making of a Happy Holiday.

If anyone's been to one of these brothel events be sure to share the experience.